Embrace True Prophetic Visions and Dreams

Discover prophetic insights and end-time preparations at Now Daily Bread. Engage with our community and be equipped for God’s plan.

Experience Divine Revelations and Prophetic Insights at Now Daily Bread

Welcome to Now Daily Bread, an inspirational hub for end-time preparation. Join us to embrace your calling and connect with a community ready for God’s plans.

Experience End-Time Wisdom at Now Daily Bread

The name Now Daily Bread comes from the understanding that we need God’s daily bread afresh each day, now more than ever. We share prophetic dreams, visions, and insights on events, wealth transfer, and cryptocurrency, particularly XRP, and weigh everything with the word of God. Join us to embrace your calling and be ready for God’s plan.

The world is changing, and it’s happening very fast and will only get even more fast paced than we’ve known. Now is not the time to be guessing or playing church, but rather we must arise and stay awake. We must also prepare for the coming economic disruption. The first step is to learn to hear God’s voice by taking baby steps of obedience day by day because it’s in that practice that our spiritual muscle to hear Him and discern His voice is strengthened. He Himself will strengthen and help us grow by His Spirit. Only from that stance can we then begin to do and move in the areas He’s calling us to, be it crypto, gold, silver, energy, land and properties, etc.

Why do I need to be born again?

Jesus said except one is born again they can not enter the kingdom of Heaven and He is the way to the kingdom. The which is born of flesh (that’s your parents) is flesh (that’s the Adamic nature), but that which is born of the Spirit (that is the incorruptible word of God which is the seed of God) is of the Spirit (that’s Jesus the second Adam who takes away every sin and makes you and I brand new if we believe, ask for His forgiveness, and confess Him as Christ and Lord).

Does the Bible not speak again money?

The bible speaks again the love of money. The love of money is the root of all evil and we can bot see money and God, we have to choose one. This is why it’s so important to seek first the kingdom of God, because as we do the Lord Jesus builds us up in our faith and also gives us a new heart that longs for Him more than anything else. And then, as He said, then all these other things we desire will be added to us or given to us.

Why should I join this community?

You get to meet other like-minded believers who are called to prepare for the endtimes. The teachings we provide will also help you to grow in your faith and in closeness to the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a vibrant bunch from all walks of lives who understand that there is still a great work that the Lord is yet to do in these last days as it is written in the scriptures, and we want to ensure that we fulfil our God given destinies in playing our part through Christ Jesus our Lord and saviour.

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